2023 Officers and Directors

President: Mitch Symes (435)669-6402

The President will oversee all directors. All directors will report to President. The President will report to the Senior Posse Sponsors. The President may check points periodically. Senior Posse Sponsors/President may be second signer on the checking account. The President is also responsible for keeping up with the playday poles and flags.  

Vice President: Bridget Hughes (682)582-7484

The Vice President will assist the president and will assume all responsibilities in the absence of the president.

Secretary: Cassie Camp (817)357-0261

The Secretary is responsible for all minutes of meetings and sending out notices to all members. This person is responsible for all books concerning the Playdays and enters points in the books at the end of each event and each Playday. The Secretary must post present points and total points of each age group at every Playday and for year-end awards. The Secretary will arrive early and take entries before the Playday. The Secretary will figure final points for each Playday and check over all points before the next Playday and post points for verification. The Secretary will assist the President.

Additionally, the secretary is responsible for making sure information is posted on the website and the Facebook page. This information might include Playday dates, Standings, Banquet announcements, etc. 

Treasurer: Jacqueline Thomas

The Treasure will be responsible for the checking account and all accounting procedures for Jr. Posse money. The Treasurer will be the first signature on all checks, will be responsible for collecting all monies the Jr. Posse may generate, and will pay all bills for the Jr. Posse. Additionally, the Treasurer must account for all money collected and paid to be kept in an accurate book keeping system so that any Posse member may audit at any given time. The Treasurer must keep an accurate and balanced checkbook.

Arena Director - Lane Emmons

Leadline Director - Brittany Crow

Goat Director - Joesph Thomas

Dummy Roping Director- Zack Cobb

Pole Director - Laura Eatman

Barrel Director - Laura Eatman

Straights Director- Cody Darby

Trophies/Awards Director - Cassie Camp, Savannah Christian-Reagan 

Fundraising Director - Savannah Christian-Reagan 

Concession Stand Coordinator - Melisa Sotelo

Trash Coordinator -Andrew Huff

Awards Banquet Committee - Kaylee Graham, Cassie Camp, Savannah Christian-Reagan 

Scholarship Committee: President, Senior Posse Sponsors, Secretary, Treasurer

The qualified recipient will be determined by the criteria established by the scholarship committee.


1. Fill out an application.

2. Must maintain an A/B average.

3. Must be a senior.

4. The money will be paid directly to the educational institution chosen by the recipient.

5. If there is no qualified recipient available, the scholarship will not be awarded that year.

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